Monday, December 25, 2006

"Papa's Got a Brand New Bag..."

Presents had been placed around the tree, stockings had been stuffed and the morning was set to be filled with Christmas cheer from my three year old daughter at discovering that she'd recieved the latest rave - TMX Elmo. I was up as early as I could to make some last minute preparations for the day, so I turned on the television to keep me company. "Oh man!" I thought in sorrow to hear what the anchor woman was saying in the report "The Godfather of Soul, Rock and Roll Hall of Famer James Brown has died today. He was brought into an Atlanta hospital early this morning and passed away shortly after from complications due to pneumonia."
Anyone who has ever visited Big E's Soul Food knows that it was built around James Brown's mantra "Say it Loud!" To me, those lyrics define soul - soul food, soul attitude and soul people. "...we're people, we like the birds and the bees, but we'd rather die on our feet than be living on our knees. Say it loud! I'm black and I'm proud!" Big E's Soulfood will continue to reflect this attitude for as long as I am cooking. And no matter where there's a restaurant with my name on it, the logo will always read: "Say it loud!"
I want people to remember me in this business as they remembered you James - "Soul brother #1, Mr. Dynamite, The Godfather of Soul and The hardest working man in show business..." You go James! You got it!...
If you'd like to share any thoughts, please post your comments. If you'd just like to quietly reflect, go put on or (download) "I feel good!" and I dare you not to feel good.

"Look at me, you know what you see? Look at me, you know what you see?
You see a bad mutha. I got something that makes me want to shout! I got something that tells you what it's all about! I got soul, and I'm superbad!"
__James Brown 1933 - 2006


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