Friday, September 08, 2006

"Each one teach one!"

I used to believe in family secrets when it came to cuisine and traditions, but then I rethought the idea. Some secret ingredients are okay when it comes to your special dish, but I have come to respect the idea of sharing recipes as well. A recent post from a fan asked, "how 'bout sharing a Big E secret to an old fan..." or something along those lines. Why not. It is my mission to become synonymous with the term soul food "Hey! you're the soul food guy!!!" much like Julia Childs with French cuisine in this country, and not to mention icons like Chef Emeril Lagasse or Chef Paul Prudommes when it comes to New Orleans cooking. With that in mind, please check out my homepage


  • under Chef E's video clips I hope all of you out there who are Soul foodies will find a change of heart and share your recipes too! Check the Soul foodies Message Board so that you can lend a helping soulful hand to others in need or you may have a question to ask.

    It is our responsibility to give the next soul generation a piece of culture and taste from where we've come lest we forget - so, SAY IT LOUD!


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Oh my God! Is that the little baby that used to be behind the counter at your restaurant? She's gotten sooo big! She was always very well tempered and quiet back there that my husband and I always commented on it. Now she's cooking like her daddy. How adorable is that?! Good luck Big E, the blog looks great, we miss you.

    10:24 AM, September 20, 2006  

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